Tag Archives: personal challenges

Let’s be having you 50 !


Here we go, here we go, here we go.

I realise I use this blog purely for personal reasons, now only taking to the keyboard to type a couple of times a year. Whenever I do sit down and take a look at what I’ve written, I do always think, I should do this more often. It’s great to look back, remember the memories, challenges and life’s ups and downs, I and we have gone through since 2005 when our life on the mountain began.

As I embarked on my 50th year in September, huge changes happened for me, my nest was empty, all baby ‘Drakies’ have flown. Nell now 18 has commenced her uni life in Sevilla, an inspiring and beautiful, cultural city, studying Humanities, interpretation and translation in a double degree !!! 5 years of tough graft, which now doubt will be balanced with 5 years of socialising. The older two, Sash & Jordy are now on the property ladder, both buying their first homes. Life continues to grow and new stages are faced with both in trepidation and excitement.

So now it’s me, my time, to fill my life with work, rest and play. To challenge myself to new ideas in business and home-life, and encourage ‘Drakie’ that my often random thoughts and plans are worthwhile partaking in 😉

Health-wise after a successful hysterectomy (never saw that coming), Hashimotos (Thyroid) and the delightful menopausal stage of life (never imagined it would make me feel like I do) I am determined not to fall into a slump this year and embrace my 50th year.

So in true Lynsey style, all or nothing – I have set myself some goals and tasks to complete before my birthday in September. I won’t bore you with my list, but it includes my huge life-long bucket list destination of Peru, together with funny things to tick off, like having a Pizza delivery, yes I know you can’t believe it, but I’ve never had a Pizza delivered !!!, Milk a goat and take a regular Ice bath, I’ve done 3 so far, cor blimey frioooo.

I’m completing daily, my gratitude and affirmations journal, only takes 10 minutes. Last night I was grateful for a hot bath, 17 years I’ve waited for the bath water to be warm in winter, it’s the little things that make a difference.

I’m consciously having less time on my phone, wow that’s an addiction. The phone no longer gets recharged by my bed, and is put down by 8pm, which is helping me read more (also on my list, to read 12 books this year, doesn’t sound much to many, but it’s huge for me) and switch off.

My walking boots are still on regularly, and new routes are being discovered all the time, thanks to Wickilok. Our camino has been planned, I am praying it will go ahead as it has been cancelled twice due to the Pandemic. We’re pushing ourselves this year and going for longer and further, the Camino Portuguese is our chosen route for Holy Year. We will walk, the coastal path from Porto then onto the central in Spain, 290km. I’m so excited, nothing beats pushing yourselves daily in the great outdoors, exploring new places and meeting pilgrims from all walks of life and countries. Last year I completed the Walk 1000 Miles challenge again, this year I’l be doing that in the back ground of my mind, still hiking as far, but we’re switching up our training and adventures with longer routes and longer elevations, because I’m going to get high at 50, higher than I’ve ever been, feet on the ground.

Looking back on previous years posts, 99 days in particular, it reminds me as I type 19 days into January, that a rest from the booze works wonders, so I’ll continue being ‘Dry’ and enjoy the process. getting more done, less anxiety and sleeping better. This year I’m trying hard not to substitute one vice with another, so my Lays S & V’s are staying firmly in the shop, well for now anyway 😉

That’s enough about me, it’s been great to look back, type again and plan.

It’s a chilly January day, but the sky is blue, the almond blossom is blooming, there’s a log on my fire and I’ve painting to do – I am grateful.