I would like to introduce to you my business and passion La Rosilla.

Unique and delicious, lifestyle and food, created from the inspiring location of La Rosilla, in the heart of the ‘Montes de Malaga’ Andalucia.

Bespoke Event Catering, Private dining, Gourmet tours & Cooking classes.

The ultimate in Country Supper Clubs.

This idyllic countryside and the coastal location is perfect for every ‘Foodie’ who visits Malaga and the surrounding area. A day at La Rosilla, to eat, taste, learn and enjoy the gastronomy of the area, in beautiful surroundings,

We provide the ultimate choices in dining, event catering and cooking experiences.   At La Rosilla the emphasis in our dishes and experiences focuses on home-made, locally sourced and home-grown ingredients.

We believe eating food should be an experience, create a memorable moment and be shared with friends.  We are completely flexible to create dining solutions to suit your requirements, a romantic Pic-Nic for two, a surprise birthday meal, celebratory catering…We’d be more than happy to oblige.


La Rosilla options

Home and Holiday Dining

Cooking Classes

‘ Chefs Table’

Event & Private Party Catering

La Rosilla cooking & culture.

